CDF Board Member Application
Please thoroughly review this information for prospective Board Members prior to applying.
Building a strong Board of Trustees requires that current and prospective Board members know what is expected of them. This form provides a summary of information for and expectations of Board members.
The CDF Board is a working board, not an advisory board. Members volunteer their time. Meetings may be in person requiring travel or via teleconferences. Those on the Board believe firmly that their commitment to providing financial assistance to graduate students and recognizing practitioners for their contributions is more than adequate compensation. In addition, being a trustee can broaden one’s experience in a number of areas.
If, after reading the information below, you are interested in being considered for a Board position, please continue with form submission.
Thank you for your interest!
Information for Current and Prospective Board Members
Please complete the form below
Submission of a resume or vita is optional. Please email these to: