Celebrating Student Research
The 2024 CDF Student Poster competition, part of SHAV’s annual conference that features student research, included 15 entries from the 32 submissions of professional and student posters. The student researchers represented Gallaudet University, George Washington University, Hampton University, James Madison University, Longwood University, Old Dominion University, Radford University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. They responded to the Friday, March 15deadline with “unidentifiable” posters that were then sent to 22 professional judges (see list below), also representing university, medical, educational, clinical, and private practice speech-language pathologists and audiologists. At session end, judges’ scores were tallied to reveal these winners:
• 1st place, Radford University’s Emily Moore ($500): Preparing SLPs for
Early Intervention via Practice-Based Interprofessional Education
• 2nd place, JMU’s Jamilah Odeh ($300): Neuro-Aud Diversity: Subjective Listening Effort in Neurotypical and Neurodiverse Listeners
• 3rd place, JMU’s Erin Davisson ($100): Pediatric Vestibular Perception Pilot Study
Congratulations to all who participated in this exciting event. Your individual and collective work assures us that the future of our professions is secure in your hands.
On behalf of the CDF, Brenda Seal, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Emily Moore
Jamilah Odeh
Erin Davisson
Thank you, volunteer judges, for your critical reading and assessments:
Alison King, Beverly Khabo, Melanie-Joy Dorn, Lori Gardner, Steven Kulsar, Michelle Lenhart, Katrina Miller, Nathan Michalak, Danika Pfeiffer, Gary Pillow, Geralynn Timler, Ed Vann.
And thank you, CDF Trustees: Michelle Dawson, Tamara Freeman-Nichols, Renee Garrett, Shiree Harbick, Linda Meyer, Lissa Power-deFur, Scott Rankin, Stacie Raymer, and Seijra Toogood.
The 2024 Student Poster Session Submissions were evaluated according to this rubric: